Massage Therapy

All Therapeutic and Holistic Massage Therapy sessions are customised to each individual.

  • Yin Yang Rejuvenation:
    This is Thalia’s mind . body . soul…Rejuvenation signature Therapeutic and Holistic Massage Therapy using divine energy, knowledge, experience and intuition while applying various massage and deep breathing technique support. This massage offers to your root cause healing and/ or overall, wellbeing solutions. Best suited for individuals of all ages who may require support to improve blood flow, circulation and oxygen while relaxing aching muscles and joint pains. This massage offers increase flexibility with range of motion support and strengthen your immune system. Other benefits would include reducing stress, depression and anxiety, calming the nervous system and enhance post-operative rehabilitation. Session Duration: 1-Hr or 2-Hrs. p/Individual. Full body.
  • Zen Relaxation:
    Honour your divine being as you experience your Zen — dare to cease your demanding world as you exquisitely seep indulgently toward your pure-being of serenity. Experience the beautiful symphony of a very soul-soothing, relaxation massage. ‘Present moment, wonderful moment’. – Zen. Session Duration: 60-Mins. p/Individual. Full body.
  • Qi Seated Back Massage:
    Thalia’s seated back massage technique focuses on the Back (Duration: 15-mins or 30-mins) or Upper body (45-mins), which includes the head, neck, shoulders, arms and back that are subjected to daily stress. Experience your ‘Wow!’ moment.